You may be alarmed to find that a business can obtain a loan despite a poor credit score as long as your company is in a good position. Many lenders have various qualifications they look for besides your credit score, and some of the other factors include
• How long your business has been operating
• What your average yearly revenue is
• How stable your cash flow is
• The types of collateral that you can provide
However, the reasons for your low credit score could play a role in the lender’s decision to give you the loan. For instance, your chances of getting approved for a loan might be low if a recent bankruptcy or loan default is what resulted in your poor credit score.
Steps before applying for a loan with a bad credit score
There are several steps you can take to find a loan that matches your business’s needs and improve your odds of approval.
1. Identify the need for financing
Before you consider applying for a loan, you must first analyze why you get a loan. This is especially important since many lenders carefully consider the stated purpose of obtaining the finance and how the loan will affect the business’s ability to earn revenue. Small businesses or startups can use loans for several different purposes, but borrowing may not be ideal for every business.
This is especially relevant if your business is running short on cash and may require long periods before it can be in the position to repay the loan. Therefore, it is essential to know how the funds will increase revenue for your next business. Otherwise, the lender will be less inclined to give the loan.
2. Check your eligibility
Bad credit is one of the things lenders consider when deciding to approve a loan to a business. Some of the other factors that you must consider when evaluating your eligibility for a loan are as follows:
Personal credit score
Business lenders often look at the prospective borrower’s credit score when evaluating their application. Typically, applicants should have a credit score of 530 to qualify for a bad credit score business loan.
Length of business operations
Besides personal credit scores, business lenders are also more likely to lend a loan to businesses that have been established and operating as a business for a considerable period, at least one year.
Annual revenue
A report on a business’s annual revenue provides lenders an insight into how the business will earn revenue and manage the costs to make the loan payments.
Cash flow
Another indicator of risk involved in lending to a business is the management of cash flow. This measurement demonstrates the amount of cash flowing in and out of business and how much cash is available to a business to repay its short-term debts.
Having a low credit score means it is difficult to qualify for a business loan but is it not entirely impossible. Nevertheless, taking steps to improve your credit score before applying for a loan is also an ideal decision.
Having a business plan that outlines the business’s strategies, which it will use to earn revenue and pay back the loan, can increase your chances of being approved for a business loan.
Nonetheless, we’re here to help. Franklin Merchant Capital has loan specialists that know how to navigate the complicated business loan marketplace, with dozens of prime and alternative lending sources.
Useful Links
Business Lines of Credit, All Resources, FAQs About Franklin Merchant Capital Services, Small Business Lending Solutions, Merchant Cash Advance, 5 Tips To Small Business Funding
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